Learning resources
- Top ranked Bash commands on
- Introduction to Proofs: an Inquiry-based Approach: A free, very short (less than 20 pages) undergraduate level text
- Elementary Number Theory: A short, free textbook introduction to number theory for undergraduates
- Linear Algebra: A free linear algebra textbook with extensive exercise sets accompanied by fully worked out solutions
- Theory of Computation: A free textbook introduction to Computer Science theory with exercise sets and solutions
- psql command line tutorial and cheat sheet
- Google courses on responsive design, forms, progressive web apps, and CSS
- The Deadlock Empire: Slay dragons, master concurrency!
- LeetCode: Algorithms and datastructure problems
- HackerRank: Programming exercises for algorithms, datastructures, SQL, regex, Python, Ruby, Shell, C, C++, AI, math, and more
- PostgreSQL Exercises: A well-designed sequence of exercises to learn SQL using Postgres
- SQL exercises
- SQLBolt: Learn SQL with simple, interactive exercises
- Execute Program: Courses for software developers that incorporate spaced repetition to ensure knowledge retention
- OverTheWire: Hacking wargames
- SmashTheStack: More hacking wargames
- Kubernetes the Hard Way
- Crafting Interpreters
- Linux Upskill Challenge
- The FreeBSD Handbook
- Derek Wyatt's Vim tutorials
- Vim Adventures
- Computer Networks: A Systems Approach
Command line tools
- Pijul: A free, open source, fast, scalable distributed version control system based on a theory of patches
- fish: a better shell
- make
- at: schedule commands to run once
- btop
- inxi
- strace
- dnsmasq: a lightweight, easy to configure, DNS forwarder and DHCP server
- Age: A simple, modern and secure encryption tool (and Go library) with small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability.
- Rclone: Manage files on cloud storage
- gTTS: Python library and CLI tool to interface with Google's Translate text-to-speech API
- Shellcheck: Shell script linter
- Unofficial Bash Strict Mode: an opinionated guide to writing safer bash scripts
- Omnivim: Vim and Tmux, together as one.
- lsd (LSDeluxe): a better /bin/ls
- insect: High precision scientific calculator with full support for physical units
- Playwright: Reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps
- Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework
- modern-normalize: CSS stylesheet to normalize browsers' default style
- Quickemu: Quickly create an run optimized Windows, macOS and Linux desktop virtual machines
- attrs: Better Data Classes for Python
- p5.js: A JavaScript library for creative coding
- PixiJS: The HTML5 Creation Engine
- Cog
- htmx: A minimalist alternative to heavy JS frameworks
- AlpineJs: An ultralight library to add dynamic behavior to webpages
- FastAPI
- Pydantic
- PicoCss: Minimal Css Framework for semantic HTML
- SortableJS
- Sh: s/bash/python/
- XState: State machines and statecharts for the modern web
- pudb: Full-screen console dubugger for Python
- Icecream: A better print()
- PySnooper: Debug tool
- _hyperscript: "A small scripting language for the web"
- Svelte
- Toga: "A Python native, OS native GUI toolkit"
- Deal: Design by contract for Python
- Zxcvbn-Python: Python port of Dropbox's password strength estimator
- Python Bytes
- Software at Scale
- 2.5 Admins
- Talk Python To Me
- Linux Unplugged
- CoRecursive
- Stevey's Tech Talk
- Heavy Networking
- Late Night Linux
Other bookmarks